Animal power for weed control: web version
edited by Paul Starkey and
Timothy Simalenga
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Overview papers
Animal power for weed control: experiences and challenges **(NB 290 kb file).
T E Simalenga and R M Shetto
Animal power for weed control: a technical review
Piet Stevens
Participatory research
Constraints to the adoption of animal traction weeding technology in Mbeya Region, Tanzania
L Loewen-Rudgers, E Rempel, J Harder and K Klassen Harder
Weed control by draft animals: experiences in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania **(NB 320 kb file)
R M Shetto, E M Kwiligwa, S Mkomwa and M Massunga
Participatory research on oxen-drawn weeders in Lake Zone, Tanzania
E B Wella and A C W Roeleveld
On-farm participatory research on ox-powered weeding technology in Sukumaland, Tanzania
A M Ngendello, E B Wella and A C W Roeleveld
Research on weed control using animal power undertaken by IAE, Zimbabwe
Irvine Chatizwa and Radboud Vorage
Animal-powered reduced tillage and weed control methods in Zimbabwe
S Chikura
Women, weeding and gender issues
Women’s participation in weed control with draft animals in Mbeya, Tanzania
M Sizya
Gender issues in animal draft power weeding technology in Zambia
E A Sakala
Women, weeding and agriculture in Iringa Region, Tanzania
H J M Shimba
Implement design and testing
Elements of design and evaluation of animal-drawn weeders **(NB 340 kb file)
Brian G Sims
Development of a donkey-pulled toolframe for weeding **(NB 430 kb file)
Jürgen Hagmann
The development and assessment of a donkey-drawn weeder in Niger
F Emhardt and H D Kutzbach
Animal-powered weeders in Africa: interactions between design, manufacture and operation 124
F M Inns
Animal-drawn herbicide applicators for use in small-scale farmer weed control systems
Richard M Fowler
The design and operation of animal-drawn weeding implements in Tanzania 133
A K Kayumbo
Reduced ridge system to improve productivity and weed control: trials in Nigeria and Tanzania 136
A R Stokes
Animal-drawn weeders for weed control in India 140
H S Biswas, D S Rajput and R S Devnani
Design requirements for animal-drawn weeders 147
G J Poesse and P van Rumpt
Test procedures for animal-powered weeding equipment 149
Nelson Chisenga
A methodical approach for evaluating animal-powered weeding technologies 159
T E Simalenga, P J Makungu and T J Wilcocks
Tanzania: situation reviews and extension
Constraints to the adoption of animal-powered weeding technology in Tanzania, 166
H Sosovele
The introduction of animal-powered weeding technology in Morogoro Region, Tanzania, 174
John A C Steel
Changing agricultural policy in Tanzania, 178
Jim Crees
Experience in the promotion of animal-powered weeding in Tanga Region, Tanzania, 179
A Makwanda, M S Shemdoe and M Msagusa
Introduction of ox-drawn weeders in Maswa District, Shinyanga Region, Tanzania, 183
Ruben R Mungroop, Omari H Bori and Masanja Kalabo
The promotion of animal traction and weeding technologies in Mbozi, Tanzania, 189
K Mongomongo and N Gembe
Animal power for weed control: experiences of MATI Mlingano, Tanga, Tanzania, 192
A M E Mshana and R S S Mduma
Farmers’ experiences with weeding technology in Mwanga, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania, 195
George K Madundo and Anno Galema
Extension experiences in Zambia
Animal power for weed control: experiences in Zambia, 198
Emmanuel Mwenya
Training and extension for animal traction and animal-powered weeding in Zambia, 201
Kenneth Chelemu
A scheme for training extension workers on animal power for weed control, 203
Palabana Animal Draft Power Programme, Zambia
Procedures for evaluating and promoting animal-drawn weed control implements in Zambia, 206
Piet Stevens
Weeding with draft animal power in Kaoma District, Zambia, 209
Nawa Siyambango and Martin van Leeuwen
Animal power for weed control in Kaoma District, Zambia, 213
Andrew K Muma
A note on weeding demonstrations in northern Zambia, 218
Margaret K Lombe
Southern Africa: situation analyses and
Weed control by smallholder farmers in Ciskei, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, 220
A B D Joubert
Weeding technologies and possibilities for improving animal-powered weeding in Swaziland, 224
J K Rwelamira
Animal power for weed control: experiences in Zimbabwe, 229
Irvine Chatizwa and Raymond M Nazare
The use of animal power for weed control in Malawi, 235
J C Mbalule
East Africa situation analyses and reviews
Farmer-led adoption of ox weeding in Machakos District, Kenya, 238
Kate Wellard and Mike Mortimore
Animal-powered weeding: experience in western Kenya, 241
Phares Odiewuor Okello and Barasa Sitati Wasike
A note on weed control in Machakos District, Kenya, 244
C O Mwanda
Animal traction in Arua District, Uganda, with particular reference to weeding, 246
Alastair Taylor
Some factors affecting animal-powered weeding in Uganda, 252
John Olupot
Approaches to animal power development in Uganda, 254
Henry Smuts E Ojirot
Weed control methods used in Ethiopia, 256
Kebede Desta
West Africa: economic issues and technology
Farm-level economic benefits of using oxen for plowing and weeding in Sierra Leone, 260
Bai H Kanu
On-farm evaluation of weed control technologies in direct-seeded rice in The Gambia, 269
Thomas R Remington and Joshua L Posner
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