Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa
ocument resources on training and extension 

Various documents relating to training and extension are available. 
Some of these documents derive from ATNESA workshops or the workshops of the West Africa Animal Traction Network. Some have been prepared by animal traction specialists for other collaborating organisations or networks. 
(If you do not have Adobe Acrobat 4 which is needed to view and print these pdf files, you can download it free of charge from

Most papers have file sizes between 150 kb and 500 kb. Depending on the speed of your connection, these files will take between one and four minutes to download. Papers with photographs generally have larger files and these are marked in yellow (over one megabyte) or red (over two megabytes) and these will take longer to download. 

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Articles about
training and extension

Le Transfert de Technologie: Quelques Enseignements Basés sur ĺ Experience Mali-Sud
        by P Kleene    
Appropriate animal traction technology for rural women in Nigeria
        by I O Oguejiofo   
Promoting the adoption of animal traction technology in Nigeria: some relevant issues
        by A Omotayo and P P Idisi
Expérience de Transfert
de Technologie dans les Sysémes de Production Rizicole du Delta et de la Vallée du Fleuve Sénégal 
        by Y Ba    
Proposition de
Technologie en Milieu Réel:Cas du Conditionnement des Bovins de Trait en Saison Sèche au Compement de Dogoma (région ouest du Burkina Faso)   
        by O Badini  

Transfer of animal traction technology: lessons from project experiences in Zimbabwe, Cameroon and Tanzania
        by René Fischer* 
Experiences with the use of a single ox for cultivation in the Ethiopian highlands
        by Abiye Astatke and M A Mohammed-Saleem
The transfer of animal traction technology: some lessons from Sierra Leone (1.5MB)
        by Paul Starkey 
Transfer of animal traction technology: cultural and social issues in Tarime District, Tanzania
        by Hussein Sosovele
Towards a sustainable system for animal traction technology transfer: experiences from Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
        by A Galema
A note on issues to be addressed in the transfer of animal traction technology in Tanzania
        by R L S Urasa
Transfer of animal traction technology in Mbozi District, Tanzania
        by Godfrey Mwakitwange 
Improving animal traction technology in Uganda
        by Alphonse E Akou * 
Developing extension programmes for transfer of animal traction technology in Uganda
        by J O Y Omoding
A note on factors influencing the transfer of animal traction technology in Uganda
        by Emenyu Henry Smuts Ojirot
Improving animal power utilisation in Malawi:the work of the Animal Power Utilisation Project
        by Wells Kumwenda  and Paul de Roover
Transfer of animal traction technology in Zambia: an historical perspective
        by Adrian Wood  and John Milimo 
Constraints and opportunities in the transfer of draft animal technologies in Zambia
        by Martin Bwalya  
Transfer of animal traction technology to farmers in the North Western Province of Zambia
        by Christian Löffler   
Experiences with improving animal traction technology in Kaoma District, Western Province of Zambia
        by H G Kamphuis*     
A note on animal draft power in Kabwe Smallholder Development Project, Central Province, Zambia
        by A Mkandawire    
Transfer of animal traction technology in Luapula Province, Zambia
        by S L Lubumbe
Transfer of animal traction technologies in Zambia through on-farm programmes
        by Roelof A Meijer *  
Role of the Farm Implements and Tools (FIT) project in the transfer of animal traction technology
        by Hans Helsloot*     

Constraints to the extension of draft animal technology in the farming system of Sierra Leone
        by A B Bangura   

Please note there are other resources on this subject on other pages of the ATNESA website. Keep looking! 

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These pages are still under construction!

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