Tanzania Association for Draught Animal Power 

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The Tanzania Association for Draught Animal Power (TADAP) was launched in 1991 (initially the name was Animal Traction Network Tanzania). It was formally established as an association with a Board of Trustees in 1996. Staff of the University of Morogoro, MARTI Uyole and the Ministry of Agriculture have assisted with coordination. It has held two national workshops and published proceedings. It has also hosted ATNESA workshops relating to weed control and gender issues.

Tanzania Association for Draught Animal Power
(Attn Dr Nuhu HATIBU)
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Sokoine University of Agriculture
PO Box 3003, Morogoro
Tel: + 255-56-4562 or 4617; Fax: + 255-56-4562
Email: nhatibu@suanet.ac.tz

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