Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa
Document resources on management

Various documents relating to management are available. 
Some of these documents derive from ATNESA workshops or the workshops of the West Africa Animal Traction Network. Some have been prepared by animal traction specialists for other collaborating organisations or networks. 
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat 4 which is needed to view and print these pdf files, you can download it free of charge from

Most papers have file sizes between 150 kb and 500 kb. Depending on the speed of your connection, these files will take between one and four minutes to download. Papers with photographs generally have larger files and these are marked in yellow (over one megabyte) or red (over two megabytes) and these will take longer to download. 

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Articles about

Improving draft animal management (1.3MB)
        by R Anne Pearson and A J Smith
Effect of draft work on lactation of F1 crossbred dairy cows
        by E Zerbini, Takele Gemeda, Alemu Gebre Wold and Abiye Astatke
Animal traction use in Tabora Region, Tanzania
        by A P B Luziga, S Nyakalo and T E Simalenga
Care and management of work oxen in Tanzania: initial survey results
        by G J M Mgaya, T E Simalenga and N Hatibu
Improving management of draft animals in Zambia
        by Gervazio B M Phiri
Characteristics and uses of donkeys in Botswana
        by A A Aganga and K Maphorisa
Donkey power for appropriate mechanisation and transport for women in Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe
        by Rodger Mpande*
Improving draft animal management with strategic chemoprophylactic control of trypanosomiasis
        by R J Connor*
The management and husbandry o male and female draught animals: research achievement and needs (1,2MB)
        by R W Matthewman, J T Dijkman and E Zerbini 
Management of work oxen in Sierra Leone and its implications for research  
        by B H Kanu and F A-R Sankoh   
Camels and donkeys as pack and transport animals in semi-arid Northern Nigeria: herd composition, management and utilisation
        by W A, Hassan and B A Ibitoye   
An extension delivery system for animal traction technology in developing countries
        by J Abubakar and M A Gwarzo 
Effort de Suive et ď Entretion des Bovins de Trait dans le Département de ĺ Atanora, Bénin
        by S J Kokoye   
La Stabulation Fumére comme Facteur de Développement de la Traction Animale en Zone Cotonnière du Sénégal
        by C S Seye   

Utilization and management for work oxen in a Guinea-savannah environment in Nigeria; initial survey results
         by E O Otchere, H U Ahmed, S A S Olorunju and M S Kallah     
The utilization and management of draft animals at farm level     
         by A B Bangura
Overcoming some animal health constraints to work oxen in Sierra Leone through a revolving fund
       by  W Mckinlay  

Research for the control of draught animal disease in West Africa: needs, experiences and methods
       by  S Ravindran, R C Massaquoi and S Wiles
Considérations sur le Suivi Sanitaire des Animaux de ĺ Ouest
       by  K Apétolia et S Ravindran   
Rapport sur le Suivi Sanitaire  des Animaux de Trait au Togo
       by  K K Akob  
La Santé des Animaux de Trait
       by  J S Dossou   
The importance of Traditional Veterinary Medicine (TVM) in animal health programmes
       by  M S Bah   

Please note there are other resources on this subject on other pages of the ATNESA website. Keep looking!

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