Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa
Document resources on donkeys

Various documents relating to donkeys are available. 
Some of these documents derive from ATNESA workshops or the workshops of the West Africa Animal Traction Network. Some have been prepared by animal traction specialists for other collaborating organisations or networks. 
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat 4 which is needed to view and print these pdf files, you can download it free of charge from

Most papers have file sizes between 150 kb and 500 kb. Depending on the speed of your connection, these files will take between one and four minutes to download. Papers with photographs generally have larger files and these are marked in yellow (over one megabyte) or red (over two megabytes) and these will take longer to download. 

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(Please note: these are many more articles about donkeys on the ATNESA website, and see in particular the papers in the volume 'Donkeys, People and Development')

Characteristics and uses of donkeys in Botswana
        by A A Aganga and K Maphorisa
Donkey power for appropriate mechanisation and transport for women in Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe
        by Rodger Mpande*  
Improving the Hata donkey-drawn weeder in Niger: experiences and results
        by F Emhardt  
A note on the use of donkeys for rural road maintenance in Tanga Region, Tanzania
        by Ren
e Fischer 

Articles about donkey

CHIOFALO B. (2001). Gli acidi grassi nel latte di asina: molecole bioattive di grande interesse. Convegno L'asino: attualitEe prospettive dell'impiego in campo Med., Zootec. ed Aliment. Palermo (Italy), 25 May, pp. 69-79.

CHIOFALO B., SALIMEI E. (2001). Ass's milk: Exploitation of an alimentary resource. Riv. Folium, Suppl. N. 3, Vol. I, pp. 235-241. ISSN 1592-9353.

SALIMEI E., COPPOLA R., FANTUZ F, CHIOFALO B., PALAZZO M., BELLI BLANES R. (2002). Composition and characteristics of ass
s milk, a san infant food. Proceedings of the 4th Congress: New findings in equine practice. Campobasso (Italy), 11-13 July, pp. 81-88. 

SALIMEI E., FANTUZ F., COPPOLA R., CHIOFALO B., VINCENZETTI S., POLIDORI P., VARISCO G. (2003). Characteristics of donkey milk: Lipid and Nitrogen fractions. 38
International Symposium of Zootechny. Milk and research, Lodi (Italy) 30 May, pp. 295-302. 

SALIMEI E., FANTUZ F., POLIDORI P., COPPOLA R., CHIOFALO B., VARISCO G. (2003). Ass's milk as a hypoallergenic food. Prioceedings of the 6th International Livestock Farming System Symposium
Product quality bases on local resources and its potential contribution to improved sustainabilityE Benevento (Italy), 26-29 agosto, 321 - 326. 

CHIOFALO B., SALIMEI E., CHIOFALO L. (2003). Acidi grassi del latte di asina: Propriet
Ebio-nutrizionali ed extranutrizionali. Large Animals Review, Anno 9, n. 6, pp. 21-26.

SALIMEI E., FANTUZ F., COPPOLA R., CHIOFALO B., POLIDORI P., VARISCO G. (2004). Composition and characteristics of ass
s milk. Animal Research, 53, 67-78.

CHIOFALO B., AZZARA V., LIOTTA L., CHIOFALO L. (2004) The chemical and physical parameters of the Ragusana ass
s milk during lactation. Proceedings of the 6th Congress: New findings in equine practice, Campobasso (Italy), 7-9 July, 77-84.

CHIOFALO B., AZZARA V., VENTICINQUE L., PICCOLO D., CHIOFALO L. (2004). Variations of fatty acids in Ragusana ass
s milk during lactation. Proceedings of the 55th Annual EAAP Meeting, Bled (Slovenia), 5-9 September, pag. 321.

LIOTTA L., CHIOFALO B., CHIOFALO L. (2004). Computerized morphological description of the Ragusana donkey. Proceedings of the 55th Annual EAAP Meeting, Bled (Slovenia), 5-9 September, pag. 93.

asina al traguardo della ricerca. Gli acidi grassi nel corso della lattazione. Large Animal Rewiew. Accepted, In press.

See also website on donkey milk (Italy) 

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