Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa

Section 1: Name and objectives

Article 1
A regional network has been formed to link organisations and individuals involved in the application and development of animal traction technology. The name of the network shall be the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA).

Article 2
The objectives of ATNESA are to:

  • promote environmentally sound and sustainable systems of using animal traction in the region

  • promote a farming systems, farmer-oriented, and gender-sensitive approach to animal traction development and research

  • strengthen and promote links between individuals and organisations engaged in using draft animals and those carrying out animal traction research, extension, training, manufacture and other related activities

  • stimulate and promote the dissemination and exchange of information, research findings and experiences in animal traction

  • promote coordination and collaboration in development and research activities

  • encourage and stimulate the formation of national animal traction networks

  • enhance the performance and professional development of researchers and technical personnel involved in animal traction activities through appropriate training initiatives

  • facilitate assistance to network members on technical and organisational matters relating to the planning, preparation, funding, implementation and evaluation of their animal traction programmes

  • stimulate linkages between members and organisations capable of providing financial and/or technical support

  • organise regional activities including biennial workshops, seminars, study tours and professional visits

  • act as a catalyst for the development of animal power in the region and assist in the development of appropriate animal traction policies

Section 2: Composition and language

Article 3
The network shall be open to all individuals and organisations interested in the network objectives. There are three main categories of members.

(i)            Eastern and southern African members comprise individuals, farmers' associations, government ministries, research institutes, educational establishments, agricultural development projects, non-governmental organisations, manufacturers and other national or international organisations in the region involved with animal traction technology

(ii)           Donor members comprise organisations and institutions who provide funding or comparable support to ATNESA

(iii)                Associate members comprise individuals, organisations or complementary networks based outside the region.

Article 4
English shall be the official language of the network. Where practicable, sympathetic consideration will be given to network members whose working language is Portuguese, French or an indigenous language and for whom communication in English may be difficult.

 Section 3: General Assembly and Voting

 Article 5
The General Assembly of ATNESA will be convened every two years, during a workshop that has been widely publicised and which has a wide participatory base. The General Assembly will:

  • approve the adoption and modification of the statutes by a majority of at least two thirds of the voting members present

  • discuss and adopt the report of the network Steering Committee and proposed action plans for forthcoming activities

  • approve the network financial report

  • elect members of the Steering Committee.

 Article 6
(i)            Voting rights will be restricted to eastern and southern African members and donor members (Article 3 categories i and ii)

(ii)           At a General Assembly meeting, no single country or organisation is entitled to more than one fifth of the voting power.

 Section 4: Steering Committee

 Article 7
The Steering Committee will comprise:

- Six (6) elected members from eastern and southern African countries
- Two (2) members representing donor agencies or international institutes, as approved by the General Assembly.

If the Steering Committee appoints a Network Coordinator, Network Administrator or Technical Adviser, these will normally be expected to participate in Steering Committee Meetings.

The Steering Committee members may invite the participation of relevant individuals or organisations that may assist their planning and deliberations.

The Steering Committee will elect its own chairperson.

Article 8
Steering Committee members are elected at a General Assembly, and serve until the next General Assembly, normally a period of two years. If they so wish, they may stand for re-election for a second and final term.

When elections are held, the General Assembly should strive to ensure that a geographical, gender, disciplinary and institutional diversity is maintained on the committee and that no one interest group dominates (eg universities, government ministries, researchers). In normal circumstances, no two elected committee members should be from the same country. The General Assembly should aim to ensure that some continuity is maintained between the outgoing and the new committee.

Article 9
The Steering Committee will meet at least once a year to:

  • review the work of the network

  • plan network activities and arrange for the implementation of decisions taken by the General Assembly

  • discuss and approve network financial matters

  • delegate responsibilities for action to network members and appointed persons.

 Section 5 Network coordination

 Article 10
The network will function largely through the interaction of the autonomous national animal traction networks and direct contacts between the different programmes in the region.

The General Assembly will delegate responsibility for coordinating the network to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will delegate day-to-day responsibility for particular activities and actions to network members and appointed persons.

In the first instance, the network secretariat will be operated on a voluntary basis by the organisation that is about to host, or has just hosted, a major workshop. In the longer term a permanent secretariat may be established alongside a national programme or international centre.

Article 11
The Steering Committee may appoint people to undertake particular responsibilities, on a full-time, part-time or intermittent basis. These may include:
- a network coordinator
- a network administrator
- a technical adviser.

Appointed persons will be responsible to the Steering Committee, who will determine their terms of reference. Conditions of appointment will be determined in liaison with the relevant funding agencies.

Section 6: Funding arrangements

Article 12
ATNESA funds may come from:

  • workshop fees or other dues recommended by the Steering Committee and/or the General Assembly

  • contributions from member organisations or individuals

  • grants from donors for network coordination or specific network activities

  • ATNESA fund-raising and income-generating activities.

Article 13
The network will establish a network bank account, in association with an internationally recognised institution. The account will be administered by that institution, acting on behalf of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will prepare annual financial reports for the General Assembly.

Those delegated with undertaking network-funded activities, such as workshops, may open temporary local bank accounts in the name of the relevant activity. They will be expected to follow internationally acceptable financial control procedures, and submit financial statements and reports to the Steering Committee.
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