Discussion group and e-mail list on animal traction 

An e-mail discussion and question and answer facility has been established by the
Department of Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics 
of the University of Kassel, Germany

ATNESA members, and anyone else interested in animal traction, can join this list and it is entirely free of charge! Join today and share information!

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This mailing list is intended for the discussion in the field of animal traction theory and practice without any restriction on the system used. Typically the material will be question-and-answer on actual problems but any contributions are welcome. Share your knowledge or ask questions about:
  • research projects and results
  • valuable experiences
  • new technologies and products
  • any topics related to animal traction

This list is not only intended to cover purely technical aspects of animal traction topics like design of implements ,
harnessing, but it is also open for topics like animal traction management, socio-cultural, political and economic questions which are steadily gaining importance. Further more it is intended to build up an address-list of scientists, research institutes and animal traction farmers, who are interested and engaged in animal traction and are willing to participate in the solution and development of the future animal traction scene.

ANIMAL-TRACTION-L is an information exchange list with the primary purpose to SHARE information.
It will only be a living list if the majority of their members will discuss and share their knowledge and thoughts.

The easiest way is to join ("subscribe") is on the web.

or you can also subscribe by e-mail 
(when subscribing by e-mail, please leave the Subject blank
You will then receive an automatic reply guiding you.)

Past information and discussions can bound in the animal-traction-l archive

Remember, anyone can join the list and it is entirely free of charge!.

If you have problems or questions don't hesitate to ask the list convener, Christian Schellert  scheller@wiz.uni-kassel.de

This is an open discussion group with contributions coming from all parts of the world. ATNESA does not necessarily endorse the contents of individual contributions and discussions!

Comments, corrections and feedback relating to this website are welcome
Click here to e-mail your ideas